Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Hot Zone

 Most diseases or sicknesses you would get could be cured by sleeping it off or by medicine. But          imagine if you had a 95% chance of dying, and in an extremely painful way. What if that disease was suddenly found in the city you lived in?
The Hot Zone, by Richard Preston, is a book about Ebola and its sister disease Marburg, two very deadly diseases , have been found in the suburbs of Washington DC, when they're usually found buried deep in the forests of Africa. Teams of elite scientists and the US army must find a way to stop these dangerous diseases from spreading, and wiping out thousands of people.
A micrograph of an Ebola cell
Picture from Wikipedia 

 One man, Monet, begins the spread of the disease Marburg from a deep forest in Africa to a major city. Doctors do not know what the disease is, and do not think very much of it. Marburg is extremely contagious, and a doctor operating on Monet catches it. Fast forward and a shipment of monkeys is delivered to a monkey house in the suburbs of Washington DC. It starts with a few monkeys dead, and then escalates. Test are done on them., and scientists see that the monkeys have blood in the intestines, and ruptured linings. Many blood and cell test are done, and they discover a horrible thing. It's Ebola Zaire. A level four hot agent, no vaccine, lethal, and there is no cure. It kill 95% of its victims, and can be transferred through blood and the air. If you get as much as one cell in your body, you're a goner, since it multiplies extremely fast. If it isn't obliterated fast, it will kill many people, and spread fast around the country, and possibly the whole world. 

This is a picture depicting the case of Ebola in Africa from 1979 to 2008
Picture from Wikipedia
I thought that this book had a good story, and that it was really interesting. However, some parts of it were confusing and I had to skip over them.  This book was very informative, and had a lot of information. I also liked how there was a story throughout the book, which made it more interesting to read seeing as I could follow the characters telling the story, rather than just having all the information thrown at me. While this book is interesting, it is definitely not a light read, since there is a lot of death and disgusting descriptions, and lots of more confusing information. This, however, does not mean that this isn't a good book, it just means that it is a more mature book.  
In all, I learned a lot from this book, and thought it was really informative. The writing style was good, and it was very suspenseful. And the best thing of all is that it's a true story. 


  1. This is a really good post! It's scary but at the same time not because it's really informative. I think it's really cool that the whole story was true but that's at the same time really sad. This seems like a great book!

  2. I really like your opinion and I totally agree with it (based on the information from the blog. I also agree with Gabby's comment and I think it is a great read.

  3. Whoa Sophie my heart skipped a beat when you said 95% of the victims die. Your post really captivated me and made me want to read the book. I also think your voice showed through really nicely and you expressed yourself well. This is a job really well done!
