Thursday, February 14, 2013


       Have you ever had a favorite animal and think you know all about them? Did you ever think how much more information there is to learn about an animal besides knowing they're your favorite? Well I read a whole book about Manatees and there was so much information. Now I have no questions about them at all.
These are two manatees swimming in clear water in Florida.

        In the book The Manatee Scientists by Peter Lourie you learn all about the different manatees and how scientists take care of them and track them down to make sure they're okay. You hear from different scientists and their ways of taking care of the manatees.
        This book was very interesting to me because ever since I was a little kid I  have loved manatees but I never really knew anything about them. The first time I saw this book was when we had to look up books we wanted to blog and when I saw the picture on the cover this book became my first choice. Now everyone says don't judge a book by its cover but I loved the cover as much as the book! After reading this book I can tell you that I might just want to be a manatee scientist like the scientists in the book. I would give this book 4 1/2  stars.  Peter Lourie wrote another book about polar bears so he probably writes books so that students like me can learn all about different animals. I heard that Peter Lourie wrote some other books I can't wait to read those too!

-If you want to know a little more about Peter Lourie here is his website:
- Here is a link to a manatee song:


  1. Sounds like you are very passionate about animals and it's exciting to hear that this book increased your passion. Being a manatee scientist would be incredible - I hope to read about you someday!

  2. Awww!!! Those manatees are so cute! I love animals just like you. You wrote, "... I loved the cover as much as the book!" The cover is awesome!!! That book seems very interesting.

  3. love your hyperlinks! The pictures are so cute, and your "hook" was really intriguing! You did a great job in expressing how you felt about the book in this blog! The song was really good and funny!!! Great job on this blog!

  4. After reading your blog I really want to learn more about manatees. I like how it sounds like you're talking directly to the reader. Manatees sound like really interesting animals, and this sounds like a very interesting book. Nicely done.
