Friday, February 15, 2013

Ancient Medicine

Who do you think preformed the first brain surgery? Did you know that doctors used ants to help close wounds in Ancient India? To find out where and how these thing are done, read Ancient Medicine, written by Michael Woods and Mary B. Woods. Each Chapter of the book tells you about a different ancient society, how they practiced medicine and how advanced they were.

Did you know that the Ancient Egyptians used backing soda for fresh breath? Or that the first dentist known to the world came from Egypt? Also, the word Chemistry comes from the greek word "chemi" meaning "the black land" also know as Egypt.

In Ancient China, if you wanted to become a licensed doctor you had to take a test to get into medical school. If and when you graduated you had to take another test to get your license. Chinese also had specialists to treat certain areas of the body. One very famous Chinese doctor was Bian Que. Here a site to learn more about him.

In Roman medicine, most of the best physicians were actually greek. They had very advanced tools and  were even able to preform cataract surgery. During this procedure the surgeon removed a clouded lens from the eyeball of a patient. For more info on Roman medicine go to this site.

The ancient Indians were the first to have hospitals. They were also the first to have a vaccine for small pox. They were also able to do plastic surgery.

Brain surgery in ancient Peru:
Video about Ancient Brain Surgery in peru

I really enjoyed reading this book, I think it is very good. I like the way it is formatted (with each chapter telling you about the medical advancements of each society).
The book however doesn't give a lot of detail on medicine of the ancient world. I would say it is an introduction to the topic. For more info you can go to this site. 


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the book - it sounds interesting. Those ancient tools look scary. I'm glad we have better medical tools now.

  2. Great post Elena! I liked how you added many hyperlinks to deepen the readers understanding of certain topics! I also liked how you included lots of surprising facts, it made the blog very interesting!

  3. This is really awesome Elena! I loved how you opened your post with a question, i think it really hooks the reader and gets them interested! And i also love how you ask questions a lot throughout the whole post i also think it gets the readers really thinking! and not to mention i learned so much! there is so many facts and cool stuff to learn about! Great job!!

  4. I like how you opened with a bunch of questions that kind of preview what we're about to read about in the review. Overall, it looks like you put a good amount of time into this and you found a (although somewhat outdated) great video that tells us more about the kinds of medical treatment they had back then.
