Thursday, February 14, 2013

Into the Mind

Into the Mind

Hey everyone! Do you want to know more about the mind and how it works? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you couldn't remember your friends faces? I've found the perfect book for you!

I thoroughly enjoyed The Mind's Eye by Oliver Sacks. It had a good balance between stories and scientific facts.The author, Oliver Sacks tells the stories of his patients, and how they relate to the mind and science. He also includes his own experiences. He has prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. He can't recognize the faces of people he meets, or even some of his closest friends. He has to identify facial features, in order to recognize people he knows. Sacks also had a malignant tumor in his eye, and has lost stereoscopic vision. This means he can no longer perceive depth in objects, and has lost his sense of 3D. But that's not all! He also tells the stories of his patients. For example, one of his patients can't recognize objects, but can see clearly and has good vision. I loved this book, because it really makes you think about what it would be like if you had a slight defect in your brain. Your whole life would be changed, and you couldn't see like everyone else. Oliver Sacks, is an accomplished author, and has written many books about neurology and the brain. He writes his books to inform people about neurological defects and problems, and how they happen. If you're interested in the brain, and want to know more about how it works, this is the perfect book for you! It has enough stories to keep you interested, but also, has some very interesting scientific facts. I would give this book 5 stars!

The Author, Oliver Sacks

If you would like to hear a radio interview with Oliver Sacks talking about The Mind's Eye, click here.

Here's a video of Oliver Sacks talking about his book, The Mind's Eye:


  1. Your post made me want to go out and get this book. It sounds like you learned a lot about the brain from reading it and I'm always interested in learning more about the brain. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

  2. Wow!!! That's amazing. It seems like you really liked this book! Especially when you wrote the book was 5 stars!! That's really awesome that he told stories about his vision to other people with bad vision. I love learning about the brain.

  3. Great review!! Oliver's story sounds very interesting and I would love to learn more about it. It seems like you really enjoyed this book and your 5 star rating of it makes me want to read it even more! I would love to learn more about other people with similar brain conditions.

  4. Woah! This books seems very interesting! I am already interested in how the brain works and now I am even more intrigued. You gave the book five stars so I hope to read the book as well.
