Sunday, February 24, 2013

Charles and Emma: The Darwin's Leap of Faith

Charles Darwin, with his iconic beard
                       Did you ever wonder about Charles Dariwn's family is like? Did you ever wonder about Charles Darwins wife? The book that I read will tell you all you need to know about his family. The book that I read, Charles And Emma: The Darwin's leap of faith by Deborah Heilgman, was a very good book, but not very scientific, but I will tell you what I did learn. Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. In 1831 his voyage on the HMS Beagle began. He went around the world and observed many plants and animals, which later he used to come up with the idea of evolution, and he even saw a battle at Bahiá Blanca, in Argentina. When he got back, in 1836, he lived in London. In the time he spent in London, he would go to the zoo and observe an orangutan.  He came up with the idea of evolution by observing the orangutan. He stated that if there is a limited food supply the
weaker animals of a species die, and the strongest ones adapt He also concluded and said that small changes through each generation will eventually create a new species. In 1839 Charles Darwin, asked his cousin, Emma Wegewood to marry him. She said yes. He was married on January 29th, 1839. They lived in London for the first year or so of their marrige. On December 27th, Charles had his first son, William Erasmus Darwin. In the summer of 1839 he published his first book, The Voyage of The Beagle. In 1841 he had his second child, Annie. Right before he had his third child, Charles and Emma, moved to the town of Down, England. His third child was born there on September 23 1842, and her name was Mary Darwin, but sadly she died on October 16th of the same year. Charles and Emma had many kids, having 10 kids in total. 3 out of the ten died, they were Anne, Mary, and Charles Warwing Darwin. On November 24th, 1859, Charles Darwin, published his book on evoulution, called
The Origin of Species, and in 1871, he published his book about the evoulution of humans, called The Decent of Man. Charles and Emma kept living in Down, until they both died, Charles on April 19th 1882, at 3:30 pm, and Emma Darwin, on October 2nd 1896.
                  The author, Deborah Heilgman, wrote this book because her husband believes in evolution and natural selection, while she believes in God, much like Charles and Emma Darwin's relationship, Charles believed in natural selection while Emma, believed in God. She wanted to explore the idea of even the man who discovered evolution itself, could still love a religous women.
                  In my opinion this was a good book,if you were reading it on your own. For science it barley scartches Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution, mainly focusing on his family, and relationship with his wife. I would have much rather read his autobiography, or The Origin of Species. My rating for this book is 2 out of 5 because it was not very good for this project.
Emma Darwin, Charles Darwins wife.


  1. I read a book about evolution that I think you would like. Regardless, the blog is very good and informative.

  2. The book sounds really cool. The video is great. You did an awesome job with the blog!!!!!

  3. I think the book sounds really good. Even though it isn't scientific, it sounds very interesting. I learned a lot. This website has alot of different stories that I think you will like. I agree with Ian - it isn't scientific but it is very informative.
