Wednesday, February 13, 2013

PLanet Hunter!!!

    Has the thought, could humans ever live on other planets, come to your mind before? My book "Planet Hunters", takes you through a world of how other planets are discovered, outside of our solar system, and how us humans might have the ability to live on them. This book is fascinating because, it makes you think even more about all the questions that outer space has provided or given to you. This book also helps you understand that there is more out there in the universe, as you discover new small and massive sized planets and different size stars, with Geoff Marcy. This book shows you pictures, and gives you very descriptive subheadings that allows you to fully understand the picture that you are looking at. Marcy explores planets such as 47 Ursae Majoris b (orange planet seen on left of picture), and uncovers new moons that highly resemble Earth. His dream, and purpose for having this book, was to show his research, and to show the world his dream of how humans, later on in the future, can possibly have two homes to live on. I highly recommend that anybody who is into space and wants to know more on the very things that consist outside of our universe, that this is the book for you!

   If you want to learn more click on Marcy! You can also click on Planet Hunters.


  1. This sounds like a really interesting book and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Can you imagine living on another planet - I can't believe that might happen one day. Amazing!

  2. Wow that sounds so interesting! I have always wondered if humans would be able to live on other planets and what would happen to us if we tried to live on a different planet. I am glad you enjoyed reading it! Great job!

  3. This book sounds so interesting!Space is such a cool place and there's always so much to learn about it. I can't believe that scientist are finding planets that could someday humans could live on! It's such a cool concept!
