Thursday, February 28, 2013


part 1part 2

Part 3

-  Pale grey with neatly scattered dark and light freckles
- Large
- Powerful
- Kills large prey
- Broad, silent, soft wings are manoeuverable
- Lives in woodlands and bushvelds
- Found in Africa, south of the Sahara except for in very dry deserts and very dense forests
- Named after Jules Pierre Verreaux
- Also called the  'Giant Eagle Owl'
- Pink- rimmed eyes with long white eyelashes
- Large beak

Verreaux's eagle owl is a bird which many people, sadly enough, don't realize that it even exists. This owl lives in the beautiful deserts and forests south of the Sahara, in Africa. An outstanding feature of the Verreaux's eagle owl is it's beautiful rim of light pink around it's eyes, which are usually quite stunning themselves. The owl's wings are graceful, broad, velvety soft, and most importantly, quiet, so as not to scare away predators. Not that the owl has many predators; in this part of the world, Verreaux's eagle owl is on the higher half of the food chain. With their large beaks, they can quickly tear apart large mice, shrews, rodents, and other animals. The Verreaux's eagle owl 's attitude and strength earn it the 'eagle' part of it's name.

More information on the Verreaux's eagle owl:


  1. I think your blog is fascinating, and the videos were also helpful. I am glad that I know they exist now, because before, I didn't! I agree that this owl is very beautiful.

  2. These owls are really cool, I didn't know that they existed either, until I saw this. The pink on the owl's eyelids is beautiful! This is really interesting.
