Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A journey through our food

Food is an everyday thing, but have you ever thought about where our food comes from? My book is exactly about that. I read The Omnivores Dilemma which I really enjoyed. It was very interesting and very moving. I was so moved by this book I don't eat corn fed meat anymore and I  only eat cage free eggs . That is one of the few issues with this book though; it leaves you not knowing what to eat or how to eat. When I used to eat food I just payed attention to how it tasted and how it smelled but after reading this book I think about what kind of conditions the animal has gone through, where it came from, how it was made and I ask myself ; is this  good for me. I enjoy thinking this way. It makes me satisfied with every bite I take of my food. In this book Michael Pollan (the author) takes us through a series of four different kinds of meals including a  fast food meal, a  Whole foods organic meal, a small farmed organic meal and a meal that he grew, picked and killed himself.  The reason that I read this book is the same reason that Michael Pollan wrote it; to find out where one of the most important parts of life (which we sometimes take for granted) comes from? I loved how Michael Pollan researched the origins of food by traveling all over the country to visit farms, factories and even to hike mountains in California at 4 AM in the morning. I strongly recommend this book if you love food or you find food very interesting. I read and recommend the junior version of this book because it is easy to follow and has helpful diagrams and pictures although it is still packed full of information.

To find out more see these links, pictures and videos:

Michael Pollan 

This is a great video with Michael Pollan, food critics and famous chefs
talking about this book. It is a nice summary of the book. Very interesting!



  1. It sounds like this book inspired a change in the way you think about food which is important. I read part of it this summer but need to finish it. I have also changed the way that I eat as I read more about food and where ti comes from. I find it commendable that have personally taken a role in the food revolution.

  2. This book sounds really good. I have always to know more about what I eat everyday because often I take all foods for granted, not thinking about where the food comes from or what it is made of. Your blog tells a lot about how the book changed you and it may change me too.

  3. The books sound very interesting and informative. My family does a lot of this, buying only orgainic meat, and things like that. I want to read this book, and see if it will change me to be more aware of my food, and what I put into my body.

  4. WOW! this seems like a really interesting book! I have always been a bit curious about were our food come from. I'll have to check this book out. Great job!

  5. This is a great blog! Like the others, I've also wanted to know where my food came from. You did a really great job explaining!I would love to read this book.
