Thursday, February 14, 2013

Arctic Wolves

Hello guys! This is a blog about my book called Never Cry Wolf by Farly Mowat. I learned about the lives of arctic wolfs which, at the time have not been studied. He talks about his experiences in the arctic tundra to meeting eskimos to chasing down wolves for miles. It would have you laughing up and down and keeping you in suspense. The eskimo tells him that wolves can talk and shockingly he deciphers stuff that the wolves say about the caribou. He even calls his wolves names like Sandy Lou or George. I really enjoyed this book because it gave me knowledge that I have never heard before. Like I never knew that the wolfs changed there diet with the seasons as the caribou came and went. In the summer they ate bugs and whatever they can find until the caribou can come back. The wolves often followed the caribou during the migrations. I would give this book three out of five stars. It had information but it was less drama and more facts and information .

 The wolves are as I found out an extremely temperamental species eating virtually anything it can eat. The book was not very long so there was not as much information as I hoped but it was an enjoyable book and I feel others will like it as much as I do.


  1. I have always loved wolves but have never seen one - maybe someday in my travels I will have the opportunity to see these beautiful creatures. I'm sorry to hear there wasn't as much information as you would have liked - maybe pick out another book about wolves to learn more.

  2. Your book sounds very fascinating, even though you felt deprived of knowledge. I can't believe that he can decipher the wolves' language. Your video is also very intriguing, and I can't believe the cameraman caught those wild wolves on camera. Your post reminds me of when we saw Atka, the wolf at Clearpool, last year!

  3. That video of the wolves was really fascinating! Like Sophia, it also reminds me of Clearpool! I can't believe they could learn to wolves language also! Wouldn't that be cool if I could talk to wolves? Oscar Platt, The WOLF whisperer Hahaha

  4. I have always been sort of obsessed with wolves and I am annoyed at myself for not picking out this one to read. It looks like a very good book and I think it would be amazing to be able to actually see an arctic wolf in person. Nice review. :)
